Author: Cindy Lee

  • Is Corn Bad for You?

    Is Corn Bad for You?

    Corn, similar to potatoes and lettuce, tends to have a bad reputation for being a “unhealthy” vegetable. But are corn products really as bad as we think?

  • Is Sugar-Free Ice Cream Healthy?

    Is Sugar-Free Ice Cream Healthy?

    Many health-conscious people claim that sugar-free ice cream can be healthier and lower in calories. But is sugar-free ice cream really healthier for you?

  • 10 Foods High In Arginine

    10 Foods High In Arginine

    Arginine is an amino acid that plays an important role in many different, important health processes. Find out what foods are highest in arginine.

  • What is The Healthiest Milk?

    What is The Healthiest Milk?

    Milk and non-dairy alternatives such as soy, rice, almond, and oat milk are staples in many homes. But of all the milk options, which one is the healthiest?

  • What are Healthy Fats? (20 Examples)

    What are Healthy Fats? (20 Examples)

    Healthy Fats vs. Unhealthy Fats: What’s the difference? Healthy fats were demonized as a food group for decades, and up until a few years ago, fats had a reputation for “making” people gain weight. Weight gain was the main concern for the general public, but health boards were more worried about heart disease and cholesterol.…

  • 5 Amazing Benefits of Chlorella!

    5 Amazing Benefits of Chlorella!

    When you think of superfoods, you probably think about foods like blueberries, kale, quinoa, and acai. But what about algae? Algae are something that you don’t recognize as edible or something that exists only in your fish tank. However, algae is also a superfood, which gives many benefits of chlorella, and in fact, there are…

  • 6 Surprising Health Benefits of Spirulina!

    6 Surprising Health Benefits of Spirulina!

    Spirulina is a blue-green colored algae that has become more and more popular in the realm of health. Along with matcha and turmeric, spirulina became a well-known ingredient amongst dietitians, health nuts, and chefs. Now, it is known as an antioxidant and a superfood, which means that spirulina fights against free radicals that are harmful…