If you are vegan and struggle to find lactose-free protein powders, here we share the best one for you

Best Lactose-Free Protein Powder for Weight Loss


It can be tough to find lactose-free protein powder because lactose-based products are used to bind the ingredients together, and many protein powders are based on whey, which is made from milk. But, vegan diets continue to gain popularity, and lactose allergies become more common, lactose-free protein powder is more available. In this article, we will share the best lactose-free protein powder for weight loss, and we’ll be discussing:

  • The best lactose-free protein powder for weight loss
  • Pros and cons of lactose-free protein powder for weight loss
  • Health considerations when choosing a lactose-free protein powder

Best Lactose-Free Protein Powder for Weight Loss

The Rise of Lactose-Free Dairy Products

Lactose-free doesn’t necessarily dairy-free [1]. This is an important distinction for vegan individuals. Lactose-free protein powder doesn’t necessarily mean it’s free of animal products or even dairy in general.

The benefit of this is that lactose-free products can provide nutrients like calcium and vitamins found in dairy for those who are lactose intolerant [2].

There is now a range of lactose-free products (both dairy and not), including lactose-free milk, almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk, and rice milk, many of which boast high protein and healthy fat content [3].

The Importance of Protein

Milk proteins are essential for proper metabolic health and prevent obesity, cardiovascular disease, and many other disorders [4]. The good news is that you can still get many of these proteins in lactose-free dairy products.

If you’re looking to build muscle, milk proteins can enhance muscle protein synthesis, skeletal muscle formation, and metabolic function [5]. This means you’ll be fitter just a little bit faster.

But, if you’re looking for alternatives that help you build muscle without lactose, there are other options. Soy protein blends were tested against whey protein in a recent clinical study performed in older adults. Researchers found that the soy protein blend induced similar post-exercise muscle protein synthesis after resistance exercises [6].

Several studies have found that plant-based protein isolated (like pea protein) are high in protein and amino acids (these are the small pieces that build our muscles and repair tissues), meaning they’re a great and healthy part of your fitness regime [7].

Men and women in a clinical trial taking pea protein during a high-intensity functional training exercise regime showed that pea protein was competitive with whey protein in terms of body composition, muscle tone, performance, and strength [8]. Pea protein is naturally dairy-free.

What Lactose-Free Protein Means for Your Waistline

In addition to being necessary for lactose intolerance, lactose-free protein is also in demand as plant-based diets gain popularity. A plant-based diet (including protein sources like pea protein instead of whey protein isolate) has been found to reduce weight and prevent obesity in human clinical studies [9, 10].

A recent human trial showed that vegan diets appear to be the best diet plan for reducing weight compared to vegan, vegetarian, pesco-vegetarian, semi-vegetarian, and omnivorous diets [11].

The Best Lactose-Free Protein Powder for Weight Loss

Unfortunately, there is no single answer to the question of which is the best lactose-free protein powder option [12]. But, if you are lactose or dairy-free, pea protein is an excellent whey protein isolate alternative that can provide essential amino acids and nutrients without the diary and associated lactose.

Check out the “Benefits of Pea Protein.”

Other sources include soy and nut protein isolates, but these are often more nutrient deficient. Read the package of your lactose-free protein and ensure you are getting a protein isolate that is low sugar, low fat, high protein, and contains most of your essential amino acids [13].

If you have questions about your protein powder, your doctor or a nutritionist can help you decode the ingredient list.

Where to Begin, Best Lactose-Free Protein Powder for Weight Loss

Start by looking at alternatives to traditional whey protein. There are many on the market, and most are readily available at your local grocery, supplement, or natural food store.

Plant-based diets (including plant proteins) are growing in popularity because they reduce many of the modern diseases rising, including obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes [14].

You may be able to get a wider range of nutrients by replacing some of your animal-based products with plant-based, starting as simple as replacing your whey protein for a plant-derived alternative [15].

Physicians now believe that many of these positive health benefits of plant-based diets come from the fact that plant-based diets are low in fat and carbohydrates and high in micronutrients. A focus on junk food in our modern culture means we are ironically overfed but malnourished (many of us are deficient in essential vitamins and minerals) [16].

You can fix this by making small changes like the one you’re now considering (given you’re here reading this article). By doing your research, you’re already well on your way.

Read “The World’s Healthiest Beans.”



