Tag: Nuts

  • Pili Nuts Health Benefits

    Pili Nuts Health Benefits

    Pili nuts are large, buttery, extremely high in nutrient nuts, grown in the tropics. Here we describe the pili nuts health benefits.

  • Foods That Increase Stem Cells

    Foods That Increase Stem Cells

    Stem cells can become different cell types. In this article, we will present the foods that increase stem cell production

  • 10 Foods with Hidden Fats

    10 Foods with Hidden Fats

    Several foods contains high levels of hidden fat. Here we present 10 apparently innocent foods with hidden or invisible fats included.

  • The Benefits of Steel Cut Oats

    The Benefits of Steel Cut Oats

    One breakfast food that is often overlooked is steel cut oats. Steel cut oats provide various nutrients that we often lack, such as fiber and iron.

  • 14 Foods that Increase Blood Flow

    14 Foods that Increase Blood Flow

    Good blood flow is vital for optimal health. There are many foods that increase blood flow, and they can be easily incorporated into your daily diet

  • Healthiest Types of Nuts

    Healthiest Types of Nuts

    Go Nuts for Nuts, but what are nuts? Nuts have been a part of our diet since prehistoric times (1). The healthiest nuts are very nutrient-dense, rich in unsaturated fat, high-quality protein, fiber, minerals, and phytonutrients (such as tocopherols, phytosterols, and phenolic compounds) (2). They are low in glycemic index and have a relatively low…